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A wallet that breathes the spirit of "beauty of use

The more you use it, the more it fits in your hand and the more beautiful it becomes. And even the gesture of using it is beautiful without waste.
Hitoe® Fold is a wallet that is not only small and thin, but also has a "beauty of use" in it.

There are three different models, each with different manufacturing methods and storage capacity.

Small thin wallet

The origin and the perfection of "small thin wallets

Numerous ideas packed into the palm of your hand
Origin of the Hitoe® Fold series


One-piece tailoring|Thick leather with no lining to enjoy the leatheriness of leather

Hitoe® Structure|Distributed storage without piling up items

Inner hook (patented ) - a clasp that eliminates the need for hardware

Maximum capacity|7 cards, 15 bills, 20 coins

Thickness|13mm (holds 7 cards, 10 bills and 10 coins)

Smallest in Hitoe® series|w86 x h89mm

Toward Completed Functional Beauty

Light as air

Aria, which means "Air" in Italian
Evolves so light and thin that you forget it exists, just like air


Muso Tailoring|The highest luxury of leather products, in which leather is pasted together.

Hitoe® structure: Stowage is dispersed without piling up items

Inner hook (patented)|Fastening without metal fittings

Slipless design (patent pending)| Prevents cards from falling out

Maximum capacity: 6 cards, 15 bills, 20 coins

Thickness|12mm (holds 6 cards, 10 bills and 10 coins)


Winner of 11 prestigious design awards

To the thinness that has never been experienced

Less is More

Cashless and cardless are on the way
to the new normal in the age of less.
Ideal thin wallet with 3 cards.


Muso Tailoring|The highest luxury of leather products by laminating leathers together

Hitoe® structure|Distributed storage without piling up items

Inner hook (patented)|Fastening without metal fittings

Slipless design (patent pending)| Prevents cards from falling out

Maximum capacity: 3 cards, 15 bills, 15 coins

Thickness|9mm (holds 3 cards, 10 bills and 6 coins)


Winner of 6 prestigious design awards

Hitoe® Fold Model Comparison Chart

Hitoe® Fold Hitoe® Fold Hitoe® Fold Aria Hitoe® Fold Less
Production Method One-piece tailoring
Unlined thick leather
Fold Less
The ultimate luxury in leather goods: thin leather laminated together
Prevents cards from falling out
Slipless Fat
Size W86 x H89 mm W89 × H91 mm W89 × H89 mm
Weight 36 g 30 g 29 g
(thickest part )
7 cards
10 100-yen coins
10 banknotes
when stored
13 mm
6 cards
10 100-yen coins
10 banknotes
when stored
12 mm
3 cards
6 100-yen coins
10 banknotes
when stored
9 mm
Maximum capacity 7 cards
20 coins
15 banknotes
6 cards
20 coins
15 banknotes
3 cards
15 coins
15 banknotes

Number of cards assumes embossless cards