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Article: A comfortable wallet for everyone, left-handed or right-handed


A comfortable wallet for everyone, left-handed or right-handed

Freedom of choice for all

If we look around our daily lives, we see many things that are designed with right-handed people in mind, such as elevator buttons, automatic ticket gates, camera shutters, and vending machines.
Many wallets also have card pockets and coin pockets laid out with right-handed people in mind.

"No one will be left behind"

This is the basic principle of the SDGs, which came into effect in 2016.
SYRINX has been sympathetic to this philosophy since its founding, and offers left-handed versions of all of its wallet leather colors.

"More casually, more freely"
We will continue to pursue designs that are comfortable for everyone to use.

1. Universal model that can be used on either the left or right hand

The long wallet , billfold, and billfold feature a universal design that can be used comfortably by either the left or right hand.

Universal Design - Thin Wallet Hitoe Sextet
Universal design for both left and right hand use

2. Bi-fold wallets available for both left and right hands

Bifold wallets , which are heavily influenced by dominant handedness, are available in left-handed versions across the entire lineup.

Left-handed bill removal image - HITOE FOLD ARIA
Image of left-handed version (for handling coins and cards with the left hand)

Left-handed use example

Opening and closing the wallet

(For left-handed people) The trick is to bend the bottom of the wallet into an L-shape with your right hand, without touching the inner hook.

Inserting and removing banknotes

No snagging, so you can insert and remove bills smoothly

Inserting and removing cards

Cards can be inserted and removed smoothly

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