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Hitoe® Fold Aria -Mushroom-が「ソーシャルプロダクツ・アワード2025」受賞

Hitoe® Fold Aria -Mushroom-が「ソーシャルプロダクツ・アワード2025」受賞

Hitoe Fold Aria -Mushroom-が、ソーシャルプロダクツアワード 2025を受賞。環境配慮とデザインが評価され、iF Design AwardやRed Dot Awardに続き、累計12冠。キノコ由来の先端素材と植物タンニン鞣し革を融合し、プラスチックフリーで自然に還るサステナブルなミニ財布です。

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IDEA 2023 ファイナリストに選定

Hitoe® Fold Less Selected as "IDEA 2023" Finalist

Hitoe® Fold Less was selected as a finalist in IDEA 2023, one of the world's top three awards.

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iF Design Award 2023をHitoe® Fold Lessが受賞

Hitoe® Fold Less wins "iF Design Award 2023

Hitoe® Fold Less Hitoe® Fold Less Hitoe® Fold Less" has won the " iF Design Award 2023 ", one of the world's top three design awards. This is the second consecutive year that Hitoe Fold...

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Hitoe® Fold Lessが「Good Design Award 2022(USA)」受賞

Hitoe® Fold Less receives the Good Design Award 2022 (USA)

Hitoe® Fold Less " has received the Good Design Award 2022 (USA). The Good Design Award is a design award sponsored by The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design. The Compasso d'O...

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Grerman Design Award 2023

Hitoe® Fold Less wins "Grumman Design Award 2023

Hitoe® Fold Less " has won a special award at the German Design Award 2023. The German Design Award is an international design award sponsored by the German Design Council, established in 1953. ...

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Hitoe® Fold Lessが「DFA Design for Asia Awards 2022」受賞

Hitoe® Fold Aria Wins DFA Design for Asia Awards 2022

Hitoe® Fold Less " has won a Silver Award at the DFA Design for Asia Awards 2022, the second time the DFA has awarded this prize, following a Bronze Award for a business card holder in 2019. T...

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世界三大デザイン賞を制覇 & 世界のデザイン賞 通算25冠

Conquered the world's three major design awards & 25 world design awards in total

SYRINX has won all of the world's three major design awards, the iF design award, the red dot design award, and the IDEA award, bringing its total to 25 design awards worldwide. In particular...

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11冠達成 DNA Paris Design Awards 2022 受賞

Winner of 11 DNA Paris Design Awards 2022

We are pleased to announce that " Hitoe® Fold Aria" has won the French design award "DNA Paris Design Awards 2022". Official details The DNA Paris Design Awards is a global design award that re...

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Awarded Omotenashi Selection for 6 consecutive years

Thank you for your continued support. We are pleased to announce that " Hitoe® Fold Less" has received the "Omotenashi Selection 2022" award. This award marks the sixth consecutive year and the ...

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10冠達成 A’ Design Award & Competition 2022 受賞

Received 10 "A' Design Award & Competition 2022".

We are pleased to announce that " Hitoe® Fold Aria" has won the Iron Award in the "A' Design Award & Competition 2022", an Italian design award. Detail page With this award, Hitoe® Fold Aria...

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9冠達成 iF Design Award 2022 受賞

Received the "iF Design Award 2022".

We are pleased to announce that " Hitoe® Fold Aria " has won the German design award "iF DESIGN AWARD 2022" in the category "Leisure" in the product category. Official iF page The iF DESIGN AWAR...

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「Red Dot Award 2022」を受賞

Winner of the Red Dot Award 2022

Hitoe® Fold Aria " won the "Red Dot Award: Product Design 2022" sponsored by the Design Zentrum Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. The "London International Creative Competition." IDA Design Awards 2...

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